He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed (I Peter 2:24).
A prepaid assurance plan with restorative premiums is available to those with sacred safety. Even when the flow of life seems rocky, there can be confidence of overcoming for those in redemptive protection. This is prepaid assurance.
Traveling in the earthly realm includes encounters which seek to thwart progress; but these attempts can be viewed as temporary nuisances in the larger scheme of divine possibilities. It is, therefore, important to view oneself as sojourning within an ark of safety. The ark of safety settles the inner being in the face of threat. This ark provides security in insecure situations. The Ark of Safety, Jesus, soothes the mind in unsettling circumstances. Is this REALLY possible? Let's spend the Summer of 2024 seeking to learn the benefits of this prepaid assurance.
The focus for this month is settling the inner being in the face of threat. As the journey of life is pursued the second half of this month, it is likely that unsettling circumstances will occur. Physical health may be threatened. Basic living conditions may be at risk. Heartbreak may develop due to broken relationships, life transitions, and through other means that are disappointing.
If one's position is in Christ, the Ark of Safety, then deliverance is available. This not a hoax; it is prepaid assurance. How do we access this insured certainty?
Firstly, hear the Voice of Invitation to access the preordained methods to make the load easier and the burden lighter (Matthew 11:28-30). Stay in this position of approaching God in prayer until the heartbreaking issue begins to feel bearable.
Secondly, in this safe space, seek security through reforming self-perspective. Try to believe God is faithful and will not let this situation become an unbearable trial. He has preordered rescue from the situation (I Corinthians 10:13).
Thirdly, realize that ark-of-safety dwellers have preplanned provisions. It is essential to recognize the methods of trust and reliability to withdraw them.
Trust provisions are in the promise that God knows what is needed in the situation
before it is asked (Matthew 6:8).
The reliable stockpile has stored in it what will meet the need (Psalm 31:19).
When threat appears, try the foregoing strategies of restorative assurance.

Rev. Patricia Robinson Williams, Ph. D., D. Min., LMFT
Founding Board President and Principal Pastoral Psychotherapist
Sacred Scripts, Inc. and Writer with Trademark, Wisdom Pages