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Dr. Patricia Robinson Williams, ordained clergywoman, writer, and pastoral psychotherapist in private practice, is a former Professor of English and academic administrator, Texas Southern University; Professor and Department Chair, College of Biblical Studies—Houston; adjunct Professorof Pastoral Counseling, Houston Graduate School of Theology; and Senior Staff Minister of Congregational Care and Development of the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church. She recently accepted the assignment of trainer in the area of spiritually integrated psychotherapy with the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education. Her current professional endeavors also include the role of Co-Founder and Board President of Sacred Scripts, Inc. , an entity through which she offers pastoral psychotherapy to women experiencing the trauma of grief, attachment wounds, and other emotionally damaging events. Additionally, she is a writer, composing self-development pastoral psychotherapy utilizing the allowable trademark, Wisdom Pages.

Dr. Williams

Williams has published reference  articles on literary works with Oxford University Press and Salem Press. She is a contributing author to Texas Women Writers: A Tradition of Their Own and African American Church Leadership: Principles for Effective Ministry and Community Leaders. A Quill Pen recipient from the American Poetry Association, Williams' poems can be found in multiple volumes published by the poetry association. Williams has also contributed to the Christians for Biblical Equality magazine as interviewee and blog writer.


Among the life achievements divinely granted to Williams are the distinction of being the first woman to hold an academic deanship at Texas Southern University, her selection as a Fellow in Academic Administration of the American Council of Education and her graduation as the most outstanding graduate in Pastoral Counseling and Psychology for the three classes that commenced during the 2003-2004 Academic Year. For this accomplishment, her name has been placed on the wall of honor in perpetuity at Houston Baptist University.


Williams holds the B.A. in English, University of Houston; the M.A. and Ph.D. in English from theUniversity of Illinois-Urbana, the M.A. in Pastoral Counseling and Psychology from Houston BaptistUniversity, Graduate Certification in Christian Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, the Doctorate in Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary, and a license in marriage and family therapy.


Williams is married to Dr. Warren Williams, an ordained minister and former professor, and the mother of three adult offspring.

Dr. Williams’ Approach



This method of therapy has been identified by Dr. Williams as Spirit-of-Wisdom, based on James 3: 17-18. The therapeutic strategy is a pastoral therapist’s guide to self-development. The first phase, Consideration, employs a reflection process that  compassionately guides individuals to uncover and identify concerns that confuse their self-concepts and which may hinder progress in their lives.



In the Concentration Phase, individuals are guided in the process of intensive listening as they explore sacred ideas that may bring clarity to the life challenges they face. This strategy, focusing sacred readings and reflection, engages one in an assessment of discouraging concerns. In this process, critical evaluation of the merit of the power of harmful perspectives is conducted. Individuals are encouraged to discord discouraging views through reflecting on truths about God’s good intentions for humanity.



In the Contemplation Phase, the focus is developing wisdom and self- understanding. Individuals are encouraged to replace harmful thoughts and narratives with God-honoring and self-justifying ideas. Biblical paths of wisdom are explored that engage communal and personal progress. Individuals are guided in contemplative exercises, such as prayer and meditation, to enhance self – preparation for the commission of peace-making and enhanced understanding of one’s own life experiences. 



The Commission stage of this pastoral psychotherapy is a courageous movement toward liberation formation. It guides individuals in a process to identify actions that can characterize one’s outlook toward justice and existence in the beloved community. This self-development pastoral psychotherapy is a transformative model designed to create change agents in a culture characterized by ideas and practices that separate, rather than unify, humanity.

Dr. Williams' Approach

Dr. Williams’ Blog

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