He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might live for righteousness, by his wounds you have been healed (I Peter 2:24).
When disappointment is unsettling to the emotions, it is difficult to have hope. There are certain truths, however, that can calm disturbed feelings amid unfulfilled desires. During these times, it is worthwhile to reflect on the trustworthy possibilities declared in the Word of God. These words inspire healing for wounds resulting from agonizing outcomes and realities. Psalm 12:1-5, for example, promises hope for restoration from painful realizations as follows.
Those who trust God shall remain stable in a crisis like the sturdy mountains He created.
The Lord shall forever surround His people with His protection, which provides a covering from harm.
Those who belong to God and trust Him can be assured that their ultimate outcome will not align with wicked schemes.
God will deliver His good plan for those who believe in Him.
These proclamations represent God's loving kindness, abiding protection, and encouraging deliverance, bringing hope, healing, and help when devastation invades human circumstances. God's people are never left alone, for He is always near to become the strength needed. His almighty sufficiency is the believer's hope!

Rev. Patricia Robinson Williams, Ph. D., D. Min., LMFT
Clergy Leader and Principal Pastoral Psychotherapist
Sacred Scripts, Inc.
Writer, Wisdom Pages Trademark
Praise God and bless you for giving insight and encouragement.